Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Gretchen is napping right now. Last night, she was very good. As we headed toward the late-night feeding frenzy, Kris & I would alternate holding/feeding her and letting her sleep while we tried to clean the apartment a little. From around 10:30 or 11 she started her little frenzy - we tried to get her to eat every 1/2 hour until that point so she would be less hungry. Once she was in the frenzy, I would sleep on the couch for 1 to 5 minutes in between feedings while Kris held her and watched a movie. That kept up till around 2, and then she slept pretty soundly all the way until 7AM! She was a little fussy by that point, so I changed & fed her, then she slept until 8:30 when she was fed and changed again. That's when I left her sleeping on Kris and went to the gym/took a shower. Today, she has been very active.

We had tummy time this morning where we let her scoot up her blanket by pressing her feet against our hands, and we let her lift her head a few times. Once Kris left for work, I was just carrying her around and letting her look at things and talking to her in between feedings. I think she was catching up on not eating for 5 hours last night.

The exciting life of Gretchen Marie...

We got her social security card yesterday, so I guess she is a "real person" now.


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