Friday, September 22, 2006

September 22, 2006. Gretchen's 6 month check-up.

Every time we visit Dr. Alexander, it seems that Gretchen is moving up the growth percentiles. She is now above the 95th percentiles for both length (27.5 in) and weight (19 lbs 8 oz). We will have to install the big-girl carseat we received from Kelly's co-workers soon, since she's about to outgrow her infant carrier!

Gretchen can now sit up by herself very well, for long periods of time. She can stand up by herself if she's holding on to something. Her attention span is getting longer, although sometimes her toys make her mad. She loves people, especially other kids. It is easy to make her laugh, and she loves to play peek-a-boo. She now eats rice cereal, peas, bananas, and pears. We picked up some baby oatmeal and butternut squash to try next!

Gretchen's belly is very ticklish. If you rub it, she just laughs and laughs....

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

9/20/06: New post below (or just click here)
9/20/06: New post below (or just click here)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

September 10th, 2006.
We've finally started Gretchen on real solid foods (other than letting her lick pizza, watermelon, or ice cream). Here are some pictures of her eating "Organic Brown Rice Cereal," i.e., pasty goo.

Mom, this is just cruel.

Sept. 11th, 2006.
Here, she's advanced from the brown rice cereal to licking mashed potatos from a beater.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sept. 10th, 2006.
Today was the first time Gretchen has had cereal. In the following four pictures, notice how she is initially pretty enthusiastic about eating solid food off of the spoon and how that enthusiasm is lost after about two bites.

More from 9/10/06. Gretchen really digs her Exersaucer.

I think she's about to burst with excitement.

9/10/06. As a treat, we ordered pizza for dinner. Gretchen got her hands on a piece of crust and wouldn't release.
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