Monday, May 29, 2006

Thursday, May 25th, 2006

Dear Dad,
Yesterday was my first airplane trip!!
No one could sleep two nights ago. After all, there were so many things to think about! When would Mom feed me? Would I have a dirty diaper on the plane? Most of all, would I be a good baby???
Not to worry! We got to the airport at about 11:15 yesterday morning. After the luggage was checked in and the voucher was printed for me to be a lap baby, Mom and I headed to gate B6 for Southwest flight ?? from Baltimore to Kansas City. I slept through the car ride, while the luggage was checked, when we went through security, and even at the gate as we waited for the plane. At around 12:30, Mom woke me up, fed me a little bit, and changed my diaper so that it would be clean for the trip. We then stood in the pre-board line. Well, I guess that little bit of food in my stomach woke up my system, because Mom had to change my diaper two more times as we stood in line! Pre-boarding had started, so she had to hurry, and we ended up at the back of the line. That was ok with Mom though because it meant no dirty diapers on the plane!
We sat in a window seat about 5 rows back, in front of twin mothers with their babies. Before the plane left the gate, Mom got me to drink a bottle. Since I was drinking and swallowing, my ears didn't hurt at all as we took off. In all, I had 3 oz of milk, which is quite a lot. It was so much, in fact, that I had a wet diaper, but Mom just changed me in her lap. At that point, Mom gave me the pacifier, talked to me, rocked me in her seat, and finally fed me a little more. Then, I went to sleep for my afternoon nap and slept through the entire rest of the flight!! I didn't wake up again until we saw Grandpa Ken and Great-Grandma Schumacher in the Kansas City airport. Everyone was relieved that I was such a good baby!! Now, is that so surprising?
As of yesterday, I have now met my Great-Grandma Schumacher and Great-Aunt Delores for the first time. In the next two weeks, I am going to visit with almost all of my family - both sides. They can't wait to see me! As for me, I can't wait to see you tomorrow night!
Gretchen the cuddle bug

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

May 5th, 2006. Gretchen's first out-of-town trip. We met the Balvens at Richmond, VA.

May 1st, 2006

Monday, May 22, 2006

May 17th, 2006.

Dear Dad,

It has been a little over a month since I wrote to you. I am getting very big! I am now 23.5 inches long, and I weigh 12 pounds and 10 ounces. Both measurements are almost exactly at the 90th percentile for a two month old baby girl. My head circumference is between the 50th and 75th, but just because it's a smaller percentile, that doesn't mean my brain is too small! Also, just because my weight is at the 90th percentile, that doesn't mean that I am fat or eating too much! (Silly Mom, she worries about these things and checked with Dr. Alexander.)

I have been showing you a lot of my personality since I was first born, and I thought I would refresh your memory since there are a few things I don't even do anymore.

Ever since I was born, and, in fact, even during gestation, as evidenced by my ultrasound pictures, I have loved to have my hands near my face and curl my fingers. When I am a calm baby, you and Mom, refer to this curling as "Kitten Hands". I also still like to lie in the "Sprinkler Dance" position, with one arm out, and one by my head. One thing I did when I was first born but that I no longer do is to wrinkle up my forehead. I used to have so many wrinkles in my forehead, Mom thought I needed "Baby Botox". Plus, I believe you actually thought I resembled an old man! There are no more wrinkles and creases in my forehead, thank you very much! Another stage that I went through was "Baby Shark", which has not been seen since Easter. This is when I was eating, when I would shake my head back and forth like a shark tearing up its prey - Mom is glad this is over. I never have sucked my thumb, although I have lately been seen sucking on part of my hand when I am very hungry. My newest movement is my "Bicycle Kick". I can kick violently, first my left foot, then my right, and so on for minutes at a time, often against Mom's hands. You can't keep a blanket over my feet when I am awake! I have very strong legs and may compete in the Tour de France someday! I love to show off my kicks in my bouncer and also in my bathtub, so, if I'm not a biker, I may be a swimmer when I grow up.

All the reading that Mom does and conversation that I have with you and Mom has helped my language develop, too. First, I just cried, of course; I still do this. However, my "waa-aa" cry has disappeared. Now, when I am desperate for a feeding or diaper change, such as when I am in the car for a long time and you can't find a place to pull over, I make a "ralph" cry. It goes, "raa-alph", and only occurs when I am very worked up! When I was a few weeks old, I started grunting ("eh", "uh") sounds. I still make these, especially when I am waking up. Grandma Patty calls them my tractor noises. Nowadays, I also like to make "ahh" and "ooo" sounds, especially in the morning. I like playing the game where you say "ah" and I reply with "ooo". There are some other sounds I have made a couple times; don't worry, I will make them more often as I grow older! My newest sound occurred purely by accident, in Williamsburg. There, I was very worked up since so many people were around, and I was hungry. By some means, the cry came out sounding like "Mom"! There was a definite "m" in there, but I don't know what that word means yet.

That is about it, Dad. I am very conked out today. I don't know if it was the 4 shots I had this morning when I visited the doctor, or the screaming that ensued, but I have been sleepy all day. I look forward to seeing you tonight around 9:30.

Love always,
Sleepy Chipi (Gretchen)

Thursday, May 18, 2006

April 28th, 2006: Gretchen loves her vibrating bouncer seat. Often, it is the only thing that calms her down.

Conversation time.
Gretchen has a lot to say.
April 28th, 2006: Gretchen looks at the toy line-up during tummy-time.

Panda Bear is the winner (maybe next time Happy Apple).

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

April 19th, 2006. Happy Birthday (1-month-old)!

April 20th. Gretchen is getting cuter by the day!

April 21st: Gretchen fell asleep in her bouncer and somehow got into this position (notice the toes sticking out of the sleep-sack).
April 24th:

April 28th: Right before the Ewok showed up. :)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Monday, May 01, 2006

April 16th. Loot at how Gretchen can raise her head 90 degrees!

April 16th.

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